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Encouraging News!

By Desiree Pheister

“…The Lord Jesus and God our Father by His grace

gave us eternal encouragement.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16

   It’s been evident for quite awhile as during the study of God’s Word that encouragement is a characteristic of God that isn’t talked about much. As God’s women, we find ourselves in a myriad of roles such as wife, mother, grandma, auntie, friend, sister, employee, employer, and sisters-in-Christ. As such, we ought to look for opportunities to hearten and build up others, and, in so doing, learn the joy of blessing others.

   However, not only is it a joy and a blessing, but also in God’s Word we are actually directed to do just that—encourage others. Scripture tells us that we ourselves are encouraged in various ways. The more I searched the Bible, the more I learned about being encouraged and encouraging others. In fact, the Bible tells us that encouraging others is a gift!

   Did you know that one of God’s character qualities is that He is “the God who gives patience and encouragement.” (Romans 15:3) He is an encourager and gives it directly to us. Again in Romans, “May God, who gives this patience and encouragement…” (Romans 15:5) God gives you and me encouragement; it’s one of His own character qualities so one we can learn from Him.

   Psalm 138:9 says, “When I pray, You answer me; You encourage me by giving me strength.” Clearly, the Word of God itself holds encouragement for each of us. Again it says, “But God, who encourages those who are discouraged…” (II Corinthians 7:6) It says to you and me that He is totally aware of which of us are discouraged at any given moment, and He takes action because of His love for us.

   God’s Word itself is a support and a sustainer for us. Romans 15:4 states it beautifully, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Another way that we are encouraged is through the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts tells us, “Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.” The precious Holy Spirit is present within us to encourage us!

   But what really fascinated me were the directions given to encourage one another daily. (Hebrews 3:13) Daily! Maybe one day you need it, maybe the next, I do. We are told to encourage each other and build each other up. (I Thess. 5:11) What does that really mean in a “rubber meets the road” kind of way?

   For the last year, I have been very blessed to be a part of a special friendship with a group of women—only one of whom I had met face-to-face. How can that be you say? Every day we talk online together, sharing what we have learned, building each other up, laughing, crying, caring, and loving each other because we love Him.

   We are young and more mature (!); we are spread from the Pacific NW to the East Coast and from Canada to Florida; some are married, some are not; some have children, some have grandchildren; all are in different denominations and stages of their faith. But this one thing we all have in common—our hearts are connected in love for our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

   Each of these women is so amazing in their ability to share their hearts, their experiences, their wisdom, their tears, and their insights into God’s Word. The transparency of each sister each day simply strikes awe in me. They are my safe place to be giggly or grumpy, questioning or sure, happy, sad, frazzled or whatever else our days may hold. But most of all, they lift each other up.

   One of our group was badly injured last winter after being hit by a car. Some members of our group were close by and able to spend a bit of time with her at the hospital, others of us prayed or telephoned, and others ministered online from long distances away. We rejoiced at every improvement, went to war in prayer at every setback and stood with her every step of the way. But our sister was so encouraged by the love, concern and caring of the group that she could barely find the words to thank everyone nor could she measure the impact that it had on her recovery. How we cheered her on at every step toward her recovery, and prayed for her every need. This is what encouragement is about—meeting the needs of others with the love of Jesus.

   Last week I flew to the central US to meet my sisters. Actually it was a pajama party for all of us to gather and meet—many of us for the first time. We had a time of fun, fellowship, laughter, tears, rejoicing, worship, and joy in our Lord. Most of all, we got to encourage each other in love, build memories, strengthen our relationships, and offer our thanks up to heaven for His great encouragement to us and through us.

   True to God’s Word, we were mutually encouraged by each other’s faith (Romans 1:12). The time was much too brief, and we found ourselves missing each other deeply after we parted. Plans are in the works for another (and longer!) gathering next year.

   God’s Word is very explicit about our words. Ephesians 4:29 directs us, “…Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” I love looking for ways to speak blessing over others, young or old, friend or stranger, family member or acquaintance. Romans 12:8 tells me, “If your gift is to encourage others, do it!” Guess that God beat Nike to it, right? When He says, “Do it,” I listen and obey. What about you?

   Encourage someone in your world today. Tell them that they are infinitely dear to the Father, unspeakably precious to Him, and that they are never, not for one second, alone.

Copyright 2006 by Desiree L.M. Pheister

Desirée L.M. Pheister is a wife, mother, and grandmother. In her spare time, she enjoys writing, needlework and looking for ways to bless others. You may reach her at:


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